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Mysql performance optimization

three important notes in MYSQL performance optimization : - - Covered indexes are a great MySQL feature and, in most cases, can increase...

simple php framework

simple php mvc framework with simple blog example tools :- php7.1, composer, phpunit, mysql, docker, bootstrap ├── app │ ├──...

11 points of consideration for rest api security

short points recommended if you develop rest api for security consideration 1. Brute forcing : limit logins tries limit forget password...

django crud scaffolding script

scaffold (views actions, templates, model_forms, routes) code for your models by few django shell commands scaffold cruds for your models...

django - Packet sniffer log in elasticsearch

django web application sniff network packets over tcp protocol, log in elasticsearch index, single and multi params search for packets,...

SQLAlchemy quick tutorial -simple example

Engine API -create connections to the database -send SQL statements -retrieve results see from sqlalchemy.engine import...


resize image according to given image size ratio (width & height) , and given container width&height using Imagick library view source...


template-tag path:- your_app/ `templatetags/` `` `` in your template you will load fb_like_count templete...

Android simple todo list app

simple todo list and remider android app - noe of my old android projects view source code on github

Bluetooth Wifi Remote

BluetoothWifiRemote app (not completed) Desktop Server app - Android Client app android touchpad for desktop : movemouse cursors and...

askao newsbar wordpress plugin

News bar plugin for wordpress en/ar copy askao_news_bar folder in path: wp-content/plugins/ from wordpress Admin Panel Categories...

Blog: Blog2
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