short points recommended if you develop rest api for security consideration

1. Brute forcing :
limit logins tries
limit forget password token expiration time (30 min for example)
use captcha in FE side
2. Request rate limiting :
put request rate limiting in the application level, in the server configuration level, and firewall to prevent much requests per second and Dos attacks
3. Sql Prepared Statements
if you use raw sql quires make sure that you use sql prepared statements with it to avoid SQL injection attack
4. prevent xss
make sure that you don't store data with html tags or malicious js code by filtering or sanitizing this data
no big fear from xss attack in rest apis because it's stateless so it became low risky but it may cause CSRF attack if you use cookies in some scenarios
5. Input Validation
before entering to your business logic validate each request input param with rules cares about it's suitable data type, if it shows meaningful/logical data, and it's requiring
6. Request & Response content type
if you don't use rest framework that deals with request and response content type make sure that you accept json/xml content type and also response with json/xml
7. Database accessibility
limit the accessibility of you rest api database use like it shouldn't drop or dump the database
8. Logging
log all clients requests details
track and log all clients weird behaviors like (many invalid authentication tires, and many invalid forget password)
notify yourself with all those weird behaviors and also notify the users that have many Invalid authentication tries for example
9. tokens
Use long hash length
Access tokens should have limited expiration time and should have only white list permission on certain endpoints
it's better to bind access tokens with specific device name or user agent
Api tokens should have certain defined accessibility types
10. Add security tool to your continues integration environment
choose a security tool compatible with your programming language in your continues integration environment to make sure you merge and deploy safe code
11. error handling
avoid showing details exceptions/errors and show proper error handling response instead