resize image according to given image size ratio (width & height) , and given container width&height using Imagick library
install ImageMagick library
we have some test cases in this script
TestCase 1 : if the given container_width or container_height is negative or equals zero then nothing to do
if ($container_width < 0 || $container_height < 0 || $container_width == 0 || $container_height == 0 ||
!is_numeric($container_width) || !is_numeric($container_height)){
TestCase 2 : If the image two dimensions equals container two dimensions OR if the width difference and height difference less than 0 then nothing to do
if(($image_width == $container_width && $image_height == $container_height) ||
($width_difference < 0 && $height_difference < 0))
TestCase 3 : If the width difference is negative and height difference is positive use container width as the new width and adjust the new height to image_height/image_width ratio
elseif($width_difference < 0 && $height_difference > 0)
$new_width = $container_width;
$new_height = $new_width * $image_height/$image_width;
TestCase 4 : If the width difference is positive and height difference is negative use container height as the new height and adjust the new width to image_width/image_height ratio
elseif($width_difference > 0 && $height_difference < 0)
$new_height = $container_height;
$new_width = $new_height * $image_width/$image_height;
TestCase 5 : If the width difference is greater the the height difference use container width as the new width and adjust the new height to image_height/image_width ratio
elseif($width_difference > $height_difference)
$new_width = $container_width;
$new_height = $new_width * $image_height/$image_width;
TestCase 6 : Else the height difference is greater the the width difference use container height as the new height and adjust the new width to image_width/image_height ratio
$new_height = $container_height;
$new_width = $new_height * $image_width/$image_height;
we can use Test_ImageRatioResizing.php script to test our logic in the command line and pass dimensions ($image_width, $image_height, $container_width, $container_height) as command line args:
$image_width = $argv[1];
$image_height= $argv[2];
$container_width = $argv[3];
$container_height = $argv[4];
example 1 (TestCase 1):
php Test_ImageRatioResizing.php 480 640 -400 -400
...we must get result as the following:
the given container_width or container_height is not valid
example 2 (TestCase 2):
php Test_ImageRatioResizing.php 380 340 400 400
...we must get result as the following:
image_width: 380
image_height: 340
image_width/image_height : 1.1176470588235
container_width: 400
container_height: 400
width_difference: -20
image_height: 340
the image two dimensions equals container two dimensions ORthe width difference and height difference less than 0 then nothing to do
example 3 (TestCase 3):
php Test_ImageRatioResizing.php 380 440 400 400
...we must get result as the following:
image_width: 380
image_height: 440
image_width/image_height : 0.86363636363636
container_width: 400
container_height: 400
width_difference: -20
image_height: 440
the width difference is negative and height difference is positive use container widthas the new width and adjust the new height to image_height/image_width rationew_width: 400
new_height: 463.15789473684
new_width/new_height : 0.86363636363636
outFile: 400x463.15789473684_image.png
example 4 (TestCase 4):
php Test_ImageRatioResizing.php 480 340 400 400
...we must get result as the following:
image_width: 480
image_height: 340
image_width/image_height : 1.4117647058824
container_width: 400
container_height: 400
width_difference: 80
image_height: 340
the width difference is positive and height difference is negative use container heightthe new height and adjust the new width to image_width/image_height rationew_width: 564.70588235294
new_height: 400
new_width/new_height : 1.4117647058824
outFile: 564.70588235294x400_image.png
example 5 (TestCase 5):
php Test_ImageRatioResizing.php 480 440 400 400
...we must get result as the following:
image_width: 480
image_height: 440
image_width/image_height : 1.0909090909091
container_width: 400
container_height: 400
width_difference: 80
image_height: 440
the width difference is greater the the height difference use container widththe new width and adjust the new height to image_height/image_width rationew_width: 400
new_height: 366.66666666667
new_width/new_height : 1.0909090909091
outFile: 400x366.66666666667_image.png
example 6 (TestCase 6):
php Test_ImageRatioResizing.php 440 480 400 400
...we must get result as the following:
image_width: 440
image_height: 480
image_width/image_height : 0.91666666666667
container_width: 400
container_height: 400
width_difference: 40
image_height: 480
the height difference is greater the the width difference use container heightthe new height and adjust the new width to image_width/image_height rationew_width: 366.66666666667
new_height: 400
new_width/new_height : 0.91666666666667
outFile: 366.66666666667x400_image.png